We have an unwavering commitment to providing treatment that works. We use evidence-based treatment – this means that we engage in the treatment that science tells us is most effective to help our patients. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been scientifically tested and found to be effective in thousands of clinical trials for many different disorders. CBT, more specifically, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) / Exposure Therapy, is the gold-standard treatment for Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and related concerns. We utilize additional, empirically supported treatments such as Cognitive Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Behavioral Activation, Habit Reversal Training (HRT / ComB model), CBT for Insomnia (CBTi), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Parent Management Training (PMT), and contingency / behavioral management to meet our patients’ needs. We provide consultation, collaboration, and streamlined communication to our patients' other providers to ensure the most comprehensive and consistent care. We also frequently work with partners, parents, and families to support and maintain treatment gains.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on exploring relationships between a patient’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as contextual and environmental factors that may be contributing to the patient’s distress. CBT utilizes the most effective cognitive (thinking) and behavioral (action) interventions that target maladaptive patterns that are maintaining difficulties. There are certain key features at the heart of our CBT work with patients.
Our treatment is:
SKILL-BASED: We work with our patients to build a toolbox of unique cognitive and behavioral coping strategies to address presenting concerns and also teach them how these tools can be utilized as lifelong skills. Our clinicians are experts in determining the most effective strategies to fill the toolbox and present them in a way that is accessible, relatable, and matched to the patient’s learning style.
PRACTICAL & HANDS-ON: We practice, practice, practice! The heart of CBT is action-oriented and practical. We not only talk with our patients about what to do – we DO it! Whether we are actively problem-solving or facing fears together (in our office or out in the world!) via Exposure and Response Prevention, we use real-life situations to coach our patients to use skills in the here-and-now, resulting in meaningful change.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), or Exposure Therapy, is the most critical component of effective cognitive behavioral treatment for Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). As an evidence-based treatment, ERP has been found to have the most robust effect on the successful outcome of treatment. ERP involves systematically and gradually confronting feared objects (e.g., dogs), anxiety-provoking situations (e.g., public speaking), intrusive thoughts (e.g., “I might accidentally harm someone”) and images (e.g., genitals), and / or uncomfortable bodily sensations (e.g., shallow breathing, racing heart) that patients attempt to avoid. Through therapist-assisted as well as patient-led exposure practices, patients learn to recognize that anxiety is uncomfortable (but not dangerous), identify that feared outcomes are much less likely to happen than once predicted, and realize they are far more able to cope with negative outcomes than initially estimated. We facilitate exposure tasks in the environment that will be most effective for the patient; to this end, we provide in-office, in-home, and community appointments (e.g., shopping mall, school, scary elevator, the most disgusting bathroom in Willis Tower) as clinically indicated. Exposure Therapy is challenging yet rewarding work, and our clinicians are there with you each step of the way.
“Be your bravest self.”